Sea Salt solé


Sea Salt solé


Sea Salt Solé TRUE NATURE’S Solé Solution is a concentrated source of ionic minerals, trace and rare earth elements. Solé (pronounced Sol-ay) has its origins from the word “sol”, meaning “Sun”, “from the Sun” or “liquid sunlight”. Solé provides an infusion of ionic minerals and trace elements to our gut biology, blood and body physiology. When purified water and raw mineralized Sea Salt connect, a new geometric structure known as Solé is formed. Negative poles in water molecules attract positive mineralized salt ions and negative mineralized salt ions attach to positive polarized particles of water molecules. Solé is molecularly different from its components (water and sea salt) as its minerals and trace elements, including magnesium, calcium, boron, selenium and sulfur, separate releasing stored energy to form new molecular bonds with a higher energy level.
Ingesting Solé Solution on a daily basis can replenish and mineralize our bodies and blood withevery beneficial mineral and trace element we need to thrive.
Possible health benefits attributed to daily ingested use of Solé:

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